Strawberry Facts
This heart shaped red fruit has it's seeds on the outside and I thought they were just chilly all the time. Also, did you know that 70% of strawberries come from California and are available year round? The thing I like about strawberries is just one cup of sliced strawberries contains :
50 calories
0 fat calories
4g fiber
8g sugar
2g protein
good source of vitamin C
Banana Facts
I guess the world's leading athletics are in the know when it comes to bananas. Research has proven 2 bananas provide enough energy for a 90 minute workout. I eat bananas because they are a good source of vitamin B-6, high in potassium but low in sodium, and high in iron and fiber.
The US Food and Drug Administration now allows the banana industry to advise that the fruit can help to reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure. So should the saying be a banana a day....?
Yoga is excellent for toning and posture. I added yoga to my routine to concentrate on toning. The first thing you need to learn is very easy, slow controlled breathing through your nose.
I want to share this simple yoga exercise with you, the Half-Moon. First stand with your feet together, raise your arms above your head, lock fingers with the index fingers pointed up and the other fingers in the fist position. Bend to your right side, focus on your center of balance, use your core muscles to stabilize yourself, feel the stretch in your side and hold for 15 seconds with controlled breathing (inhale/exhale) through your nose. Return to the center position and repeat on the left side.
Body Moles
Moles can gradually appear or maybe you have always had a beauty mole. Beauty mole are not, pay attention to moles that change. Some things my doctor advised me to watch for are :
1. moles that are not flush with the skin
2. moles that bleed
3. moles that begin to itch
4. moles that change color
5. moles that may be asymmetry where the two half are different
Sun exposure is not good and can increase the number of moles you get. Also, sunburn may increase risk of moles developing into melanoma, a form of skin cancer.
Women Devotion
Quiet Time
A to do list of tasks to complete, schedule for the children crowding the calendar, committees to chair, classes to teach and meetings to attend. Whether you work at home or outside of the home, your time can be stretched.
It's important to remember your daily quiet time to rejuvenate your soul, body and mind. In the Bible, Jesus sets the example for us.
Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.
Quiet time in the morning gives you a refreshed start to your day. However, you can have quiet time anytime during the day. You have to decide what works best for you.
In Mark 6:31, Jesus told the disciples, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." Because of Jesus we can leave our worries and sins at the foot of the cross and be cleansed and refreshed. You need to take time to part from your daily routine so you don't fall apart.