Metabolism Problem or Metabolic Syndrome?

Do you have a metabolism problem, slow, sluggish or non-existence?

Metabolism, as defined in Webster, is the chemical changes in the living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated. It also says metabolism is the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in the living organisms and cells.

The definition for metabolic is, of, relating to, or based on metabolism. Metabolic Syndrome is a group of disorders relating to your body metabolism. But enough science lesson, let talk about what this means for us.

Are you at risk for metabolic syndrome?

Several disorders are associated with metabolic syndrome. If you have 3 or more of these disorders you are at risk and genetics might play a role in increasing that risk. You have a higher risk of getting metabolic syndrome if you are African-American and Asian. For women you are at a even higher risk if you are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome which is a similar type of metabolic problem that affects women's hormone and reproductive system.

The disorders associated with metabolic syndrome are:

  1. High blood pressure/hypertension
  2. Insulin Resistance (elevated blood sugar levels)
  3. Excess body weight around the waist. For women a waist that measure greater then 35 inches around.
  4. Low HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), for women level less than 50 mg/dl
  5. High triglyceride's of 150 mg/dl or more

The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) with modifications by the American Heart Association advised you have metabolic syndrome if you have 3 or more of the above disorders.

The syndrome isn't the problem. The problem is the combination of the disorders, which is categorized as metabolic syndrome, can drastically lead to other life threatening diseases, heart attack, diabetes and stroke. So don't write your metabolism problem off as age related or being a woman. It's important to get your annual checkups and know your risk factors.

The good news, a healthy lifestyle can be a solution. Become active, lose weight, eat heart healthy, lower your blood pressure and get cholesterol levels where they need to be.

Take the steps you need to improve your health. Get started now.

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